For the ones who have Amiga 500, Atari ST or Apple old computers, there is a easy way to read your floppy disks on a recent Mac or Windows PC.The Greaseweazle…
You need to download the software here:
You need to buy the hardware somewhere there:
- UK:
- Direct sales via my ebay store (Zero Flux Development)
- AmigaDeals
- AmigaKit
- Retro Ready: webstore, ebay
- RetroEZ
- RetroPassion
- EU:
- (ES)
- HobbyRetro (ES)
- (NL)
- Sordan (IE) (also available with case)
- ultimateMiSTer (PT)Â (free shipping coupon:Â KEIRFRASER)
- North America:
- Decromancer
- EmmyBearArcades: ebay, tindie
- Australia:
Then for sure you need also to find a floppy disk drive on ebay for example.
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